The Department of Computer Application was established in 2001 with Bachelor of Computer Applications. It is equipped with state-of-the-art computer laboratories and grown in infrastructure in terms of space, hardware, software communications and manpower and is in process of growth as per rapidly changing technological developments. ... The curriculum delivery is supplemented with co-curricular activities such as conferences, seminars, workshops, special lectures and hand-on training to develop the intellectual skills according to the needs of the industry. The department also has Special Laboratory: Software Development Laboratory to instill software developing skills among the students.The department offers add-on courses, certificate courses, value-added courses and vocational education training to stay connected with the consistently developing innovation in computing and computer technology. The department has signed MoUs with reputed and leading Software Training and Development Industries. Experts from the industries are invited to deliver special lectures and to give training to meet industrial needs. The department has undertaken research and is looking forward for the support from the co-workers located at different geographical locations in the fields like Scaffolding strategies in IT, Modeling and Simulation, visuals and Geometric Computing, Distributed processing and Algorithmic framework to education and learning.