Fine Arts
FINE ARTS CLUB Vikram Prasad(Phy)
Fine Arts Club provides immense opportunities to the students to let their imagination run wild and provides them with the sight to see things in a different way. Students learn from one another and share their prowess in different aspects of art. The club bestows ample opportunities to develop talents in different forms of art like music, singing, dance, drama etc. In addition to the activities of the club organizes cultural events and competitions. It also encourages the students to take part in competitions held outside the campus.
  • To instill passion for performing and visual arts that results in personal and professional artistic pursuits.
  • To provide creative artistic development and engaging opportunities that will ignite a personal passion of every student enrolled in fine arts.
  • To encourage the students participate in various arts activities.
  • To improve the imagination and creative skill of the student.
  • To help the students develop their leadership abilities.
List of Activities  (2020 - 2021)
List of Activities  (2021 - 2022)