Grievance Cell

As suggested by University Grants Commission, New Delhi, the College has established an Grievance Redressal Cell, to provide a mechanism for redressal of students' grievances and ensure the transparency in admission, and prevention of unfair practices, etc. The Grievance Redressal Cell (GRC) aims to look into the complaints lodged by any student and redress it as per requirement. The students can state their grievance regarding any academic and non- academic matter within the campus through the online and grievance/ suggestion box. The institution aims at solving the grievances of the students within stipulated time. The Grievance cell is also empowered to look into matters of harassment. Anyone with a genuine grievance may approach the department members in person, or in consultation with the officer in-charge Grievance Redressal Cell.


The Grievance Redressal Cell has been developed to settle the grievances of the students and other stakeholders within a reasonable time period for further strengthening the bond of the students with the institution by providing them with all kind of facilities to a satisfaction level for maintaining a convenient ambience of academic teaching and learning.
A Grievance Cell should be constituted for the redressal of the problems reported by the Students of the College with the following objectives:

  • To provide a support system for the students to address their grievances freely and frankly without any fear of being victimized.
  • To analyze the complaints and representations of aggrieved students and to take action with an effective resolution of student’s grievances in a non- discriminatory and just manner.
  • To establish structured interactions with students to elicit information on their expectations.
  • To identify systemic flaws in the design and administration of various general insurance products and to seek solutions thereon.
  • Suggestion / complaint Box is installed in front of the Administrative Block in which the Students, who want to remain anonymous, put in writing their grievances and their suggestions for improving the Academics / Administration in the College.


The cell will deal with Grievances received in writing from the students about any of the following matters:-

  • Academic Matters: Related to timely issue of duplicate Mark-sheets, Transfer Certificates, Conduct Certificates or other examination related matters.
  • Financial Matters: Related to dues and payments for various items from library, hostels etc.
  • Other Matters: Related to certain misgivings about conditions of sanitation, preparation of food, availability of transport, victimization by teachers etc.


  1. The cases will be attended promptly on receipt of written grievances from the students.
  2. The cell formally will review all cases and will prepare statistical reports about the number of cases received.
  3. The cell will give report to the authority about the cases attended to and the number of pending cases, if any, which require direction and guidance from the higher authorities.


  • To ensure a democratic environment in the campus,
  • To acquaint all teacher-trainees about their rights and duties,
  • To solve the various personal and educational related grievances of the teacher- trainee,
  • To make the institute student friendly


  • The students may feel free to put up a grievance in writing/or in the format available in the admin dept. and drop it in boxes.
  • The Grievance Cell will act upon those cases which have been forwarded along with the necessary documents.
  • The Grievance Cell will assure that the grievance has been properly solved in a stipulated time limit provided by the cell.
  • Students can register their compliance through this E-Mail




Nominated as


Dr. I. Carmel Mercy Priya
AVS College of Arts and Science
Ph.No: 8778702022



Dr. S.S. Maithili
Vice Principal
AVS College of Arts and Science
Ph.No: 8144117551



Mrs. M Parveen
Asst. Professor
Department Of Physics
AVS College of Arts and Science
Ph.No: 9524172175



Ms. R.B. Malathy
Assistant professor
Department of Textiles and Fashion Designing
AVS College of Arts and Science
Ph.No: 6383203399



Mr. A. Vinoth Babu
Administrative Officer
AVS College of Arts and Science
Ph.No: 9842629322


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